Painting Your Birdhouse: Ideas That You Can Use

Wooden Birdhouse

Wooden Birdhouse

Building birdhouses is one thing, but loving to build birdhouses is quite another. If you really find joy and satisfaction in building them, you might also love painting and decorating them. Providing shelter to birds is not something exclusive to birdwatchers, but also an activity that environment lovers do for the sake of birds that wander far in search of food and shade.

If you have built many birdhouses that have been occupied by birds, you might consider yourself a specialist. While that certainly qualifies as an accomplishment, sometimes decorating the birdhouse falls to the wayside. While unnecessary, decorating I Spy birdhouses and making them look pretty is something that can add to the charm of the space where you have installed/mounted/kept them.

Before we begin with ideas about painting the houses, let’s discuss the kinds of paint that should be used. The first rule is to use paints that weather proof the house. After all, it is not just about making the house look pretty, right? You can use paints that protect the birdhouse from UV rays as well as water.

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Painting a Birdhouse: An Art with a Science Behind it

Wooden BirdHouse

Wooden BirdHouse

Every birdhouse owner wants to make or buy the best house for the residing birds. This is the motivating factor behind what makes people decorate the basic wooden birdhouse and paint them in interesting ways. Are you one of the many who likes painting and decorating birdhouses? Is it one of your passions? If this is the case, you might already know what it takes to craft a birdhouse in a manner that is attractive to birds in every season.

The fact of the matter is that birds like simplistic houses that are cozy, comfortable and safe. They do not need to be painted professionally; nonetheless, they should be painted in colors and patterns that the birds like. It should also be noted that the birds might die if they eat or nibble paint that contains toxic chemicals. Therefore, the paint that you use to paint the birdhouse that you have made for them should be ecofriendly in nature. The paints that are used for birdhouses have certain properties. These are mentioned as follows:

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Mounting a Flicker Birdhouse to a Tree: Things That You Should Know

Buy Bird House

Buy Bird House

Knowing about different birds is a passion of many people and a pastime for others. Whatever it may be for you, the fact that you are reading this article means that you are interested in knowing about flickers and are most probably thinking about building or mounting a birdhouse for them.

Flickers are a subspecies of the woodpecker. They feed on the ground and their diet is comprised of ants, beetles, grubs and more. A generous pile of larva is also food for them. This variety of bird is specifically found in North America.

These birds dwell in the cavities of trees and the most common place to spot the red-shafted northern flickers is toward the west of the Rocky Mountains. If you wish to spot the yellow-shafted ones, the East of the Rocky Mountains is the right location.

In case you are thinking about making a birdhouse for this species, or mounting one on a tree for them, there are certain specifications that must be followed. For example, the dimensions of the birdhouse are important. Flickers can comfortably live in a space with a floor that measures seven by seven inches, and has a front side of 16-21 inches. The backboard should be long enough so it is three inches above the roof as well as three inches below it. The following are some steps that you must follow so as to make the birdhouse.

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Knowing More About Bird Behavior and Bird Houses

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow

Are you looking for a birdhouse? Buying one can be perplexing in case it is the first time that you are getting one. For those who have recently started bird watching as a hobby, one of the prime things on the top of the list is to build or buy a bird house.

However, most of the people take a long time to decide what kind of bird house they have to purchase. One of the reasons behind this is that birds prefer different kinds of birdhouses. All birds do not have the same preference when it comes to choosing an abode. For example, a blue bird does not live or like to live in a home which is meant for the robins, and vice-versa. MySpy birdhouses and others that are built so that you can keep an eye on the birds have been designed in a manner that they can be differentiated as houses for different birds.

As a prospective bird watcher who wishes to watch birds in their natural habitats or while resting, the first thing to understand is the kind of environment that the birds nest in. In case you own a garden or a backyard full of flowers and plants, on an average 15 to 20 birds might be visiting your home’s arena early in the morning or during the evening.

Undoubtedly, they are looking forward to make a nest there. So, why don’t you help them instead? How to begin, is the real question. One way to start is by reading about birdhouses and their types. However, the best approach is to first read about bird behaviour and then move on to studying the kind of houses that they prefer living in.

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A Guide for Bird Watching and Spying: Tips to Follow

Wooden Birdhouse

Wooden Birdhouse

Are you a passionate bird watcher? In case bird watching is a hobby that you thoroughly enjoy, you might be having a good insight into the world of watching or spying on birds. It is indeed an art to watch birds. Everyone knows that birds are private animals and that they do not like encroachment either by other birds or by human beings.

Therefore, while watching birds one needs to be sure that he or she keeps quiet and hidden. If you have birds living in the birdhouse that you made or bought for them, you might have made it in a manner that you are able to watch the beautiful birds nesting in I Spy Birdhouses and rearing their babies. That said, in case the birds come to know this, they will leave the birdhouse.

In case you are new to this world – the beautiful world of birds and birdwatchers, you should begin by learning as much as you can about different species of birds as well as about bird behaviour. There are different things that you ought to learn about birds and their nesting behaviour. Learning bird watching takes time to learn. To begin with, here are some of the tips that you should refer to while watching birds:

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What Should a Birdhouse Be Made of?

Buy Bird House

Buy Bird House

So, you made a birdhouse and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of birds to occupy the house. It has been almost two weeks since you made and placed kids birdhouses or any other but there isn’t any positive sign yet. May be there is something wrong about the way you have made the birdhouse. Or, maybe with the way it has been placed. Every bird wants certain things out of their abode.

Any birdwatcher or wildlife expert will tell you that birds are extremely picky about the houses that they nest in as well as the location of the houses. For example, there are certain species that are so specific about privacy that they do not like to nest at places where other animals and birds stay or stroll. Other things that the birds are specific about include:

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Making and Placing Birdhouses: A How to Guide

Wooden Birdhouse

Wooden Birdhouse

Is building a birdhouse one of your priorities? In case it is, then you are at the right place right now. There are a number of people who love the idea of building birdhouses. After all, it is a beautiful way to add to the aesthetics of your home.

And, everyone wants their house to look amazing. Waking up to the chirping of birds and watching them nest their babies is a great stress buster. In case you are a birdwatcher or someone aspiring to be it, you will have to seriously consider either purchasing or buying a birdhouse. Buying one is not much trouble. From ISpy birdhouse or other places like that, you can easily purchase one that is up to the mark. However, if you are thinking about making one, you might need some help. Listed are a few tips, which can be used as a birdhouse guide, which will help you in your pursuit of making the right kind of a birdhouse:

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House for the Martins: Attracting Purple Martins to a Birdhouse

Buy Bird House


Purple Martins are in huge demand. One can tell that because over a million people who stay in North America keep birdhouses awaiting these birds. There are; however, a lot of them who are unsuccessful in their pursuit.

And, the only reason that most of them fail in their attempt to attract Purple Martins is lack of knowledge about the behavioral preferences of these birds. Each species of bird has different nesting requirements that need to be understood by those who are thinking about attracting Purple Martins in the birdhouses that they have installed.

If you too are one of the millions waiting for these birds to fly in the birdhouse that has either been purchased or made by you, take note of the following for increasing your chances of attracting these bird species:

  • Placing the Housing too Near to Tall Trees: One common mistake that those who fail to attract these species is placing the birdhouse extremely close to trees. Incorrectly placing the birdhouse will always result in disappointment no matter what species of birds you are targeting. Martins require some aerial space which allows them to fly here and there. Tall trees at a place where they live cause obstruction. Therefore, they naturally do not nest in surroundings that have tall trees.
  • Allowing Other Species of Birds: Purple Martins are selective and very particular about the house that they pick. If their house has been earlier used by any other species of birds, they won’t reside in it. A site that has any other bird type or species living in it will not attract martins. Developing tenacity to the place that they are supposed to nest in is a distinguishable instinct in this species of birds. In case you wish to attract martins to the birdhouse built by you, take care that no other birds are allowed to enter the birdhouse before martins. This means that if by chance any other species claims the house, you can’t expect Purple Martins to reside there.

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How to Help Birds Avoid Window Collisions

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow

Birds are gentle and delicate beings. They need protection from excessive heat, cold, too much water and even from windows. Many birds get hurt or die because of flying into windows or doors made out of glass. This is one of the main reasons why in case you wish to provide them a house, you must buy MySpy bird house.

Statistics show that bird collisiona are one of the main reasons for avian mortality. Moreover, those who study birds and their population believe that around 100 million birds die per year, because of colliding with buildings, windows or doors. While it can’t be said exactly why birds fly into walls or doors, there are certain basic factors that lead to accidental collisions.

One of the major reasons why bird collisions happen is reflection. This phenomenon gets the birds disturbed and started; therefore, they rush towards to the open sky. And because one only sees reflection in the glass, they often end up crashing into the glass door or window.

One way in which collisions can be reduced for birds is by using Window Alerts. These are technically advanced decals that can be applied to glass windows of homes as well as offices. The decals reflect the ultraviolet component of the sunlight, which is invisible to human eyes; however, glows for the birds. Because of this, the birds can clearly distinguish between a reflection and a real thing.

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Calling out to the Cardinals: A Birdhouse for this Species

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Ash-throated Flycatcher

If you are an American resident who grew up in America, in your childhood might have spotted many Cardinals flying or nesting.  Undoubtedly, in case you were very fond of birds at the time, you might have decided to become a professional bird watcher or wildlife photographer. Or, at least would have planned to buy My Spy Bird House. Haven’t ever seen a Cardinal? Well these are the most famous song birds in America.

The males of this species have beautiful red feathers while the females of the species have a more subtle yet equally attractive reddish tinge. These birds love to dine anywhere they get a chance to. They are so fond of it that they will visit your feeder extremely early in the morning. Even if they are disappointed, they will return to the feeder again and again, late until the evening falls. Such is their persistence.

They sing in a sweet and melodious range. And, they absolutely enjoy singing. While the females have a sweet voice, the male Cardinals follow suite when the females start to sing. In fact, when the female cardinals change their tune, their male mate also changes to the newer tone.

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